About Us
Who We Are
Reserve Health is a NDIS service provider based in Perth, Western Australia. We are a dedicated and devoted team, always aspiring for better outcomes for our clients.
Mission Statement
Our company is a family-governed organisation which values and respects the right, responsibilities and aspirations of people with disabilities, while promoting maximum participant and inclusion in the community with a focus on living a life with choice.
Our Values
· Recognize the changing needs of the people it serves and will endeavour to provide the necessary support subject to individual financial resources.
· Encourage skills development in natural settings, with people who provide good role models working in environments which are consistent with valid presence in the community.
· Work towards maintaining people with disabilities in their own home within the community with a lifestyle of their choice that reflects the conditions of everyday life valued by the community.
· Ensure individuals, families and the Service will work in a complimentary, negotiated partnership in order to maintain a relevant and appropriate personal plan for each person who uses the Service.
· Respect the diversity of values and culture held by the people it serves and everyone involved in that person’s life.
· Offer highly individualized services – all lifestyle assistance will be personally negotiated within the limits of the individual resources available.